Monday, January 30, 2017

Where did you get your inspiration to become a coach?

Wow! What a great questions! Let's see...

So, I think I've always been a bit of a coach - meaning that people tend to see me as wise beyond my years when it comes to things like spirituality, purpose, and the big picture. 

I'm also a thinker and analyzer. And I love to brainstorm... 

But I guess those are things that make me a great coach, not really my inspiration for becoming one. 

I've always been a bit of an environmentalist but not really very cognizant when it came to my own health.  

When I had kids, they started struggling with allergies and eczema, respiratory problems, food allergies...I became more aware. We started changing the products we used - personal care, cleaning, laundry. 

Then I started struggling with my own health - rashes, GI distress, mental health problems. I wasn't getting answers from western medicine and started thinking outside the box. 

I began by learning about nutrition, gut health, a variety of mental and "self-care" practices, and listening to my intuition and I was able to heal my own body. 

Friends and acquaintances who had watched my journey started seeking my counsel on the things that had seen me and my kids overcome - food allergies, skin issues, mental health struggles. It was so rewarding to help people who were struggling and couldn't find answers anywhere else. 

I eventually realized this was my purpose. To help others make these big life-changing shifts, that were both good for them and our planet, in a way that felt do-able. Possible. Normal. 

I started selling Verefina products as a way to teaching about natural skin care (and tossed the other info in when I had a willing ear). But it wasn't enough. So I went back to school to become a holistic health coach and later received my certificate in mental health first aid and wellness recovery action planning.

It has been a great adventure and I look forward to sharing this mission with more people in the years to come!

Thanks for the question Barbara. 

If anyone else has a question, please comment below or send it to:

Have a beautiful day!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Baby, it's cold outside...let me warm you up!

Baby it's cold outside...

Yes, I realize it's winter. AND I live in the mountains. But the last couple of days have been far colder than usual for where I live with single digits when I drop off for school and highs in the teens. Brrrr!

Beyond the obvious "dress in layers" type ideas, here are a few of my favorite winter weather saviors:
  • Rise with the sun. I know we all love to sleep in but making the most of the daylight hours really helps. (And watching the sun rise is so therapeutic!)
  • Use the excuse to make a fire. I know, it's a pain. A hassle. But it is also beautiful, smells good, warming, and relaxing.
  • Drink warm water upon waking. This is actually a good idea year-round (it is more soothing to the GI tract and bio-available than cold water) but it helps warm from within. 
  • Drink warm tea throughout the day. (see above).
  • Light candles after dark. While they don't provide much heat, the glow is provides a soothing warmth.
  • Snuggle up. What better way to warm up than to share body heat ;)
  • Try warming spices like: turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and pepper. I add cinnamon to my morning smoothies to combat the colder temps of the beverage so that I can enjoy this healthy meal year round. 
  • Eat hearty meals. Think: soups, stews, whole grains, and roasted root veggies. 
  • Splurge on a hot bath when you get the chance. 
  • Moisturize with warm oil. Try a high quality coconut or olive oil warmed in a water bath. 
Which ones do you already enjoy? 

Which would you like to try? 

What other ideas do you have?

Thanks for sharing!

And if you liked this article and would like to receive 3 of my favorite healthy, winter go-to recipes for warming up...

Request your recipes here...

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

It's all about you...

Hey there, stranger!

It's been a loooong time since I've blogged because I'm still struggling to find the best use of this space. Is it: a place for unique content, another place/way to disseminate the same content I share elsewhere, a place to journal or rant, a place for research findings, a place to interact and "debate" ideas with you? 

I'm still not sure but I think I'd like for it to be a way to start a dialogue. Share ideas. Ask questions. 

So, if you have a question about physical, mental, or spiritual wellbeing, write it in the comments below. I'll check them and create new blog posts with the answers as soon as I can. I'll also be posting my own musings and findings. 

Note: as a coach, I work to help you help yourself. I don't do the work for my clients. So, questions need to be educated - meaning you must have already done some research on the topic or be looking to start a dialogue. 

Also, please remember that I am not a medical doctor, dietician, or nutritionist. Information provided is not meant to take the place of seeing a licensed health professional. 


What are you struggling with? 

What are you confused about? 

What could you use some advice on?