Monday, February 6, 2017

I wanna be a mall walker when I grow up...

So, the other day, I ended up in a mall.

This is highly uncharacteristic of me. Not only do I struggle with the consumerism and marketing messages but I just plain have a REALLY hard time with the noise, lights, and energy of that environment.

Anyway, I needed my car services at the dealership next door. I typically stay at the dealership and use their handy work stations to accomplish something productive - newsletters, blogging, taking an online classes, catching up on get the point. But on this particular day, I was hankerin' for a trip to Target. (I'm such a rebel, I know!) But Target just happens to be next the M.A.L.L.

And it felt early enough, and exciting enough, that I could handle it. SO I went.

It was bitterly cold that day and only 9am (the sun was barely up!) so I opted for the free shuttle from the dealership. He kindly dropped me off at the nearest mall entrance and I began my trek to the other end of the mall.

I quickly felt that dread and anxiety that is all too familiar to me. But I pressed on. (It was far better than hoofing it outside in the shadows and wind, after all!)

I decided to make it a personal growth exercise.

  • Slow down. What are your running from?

  • Breathe. 

  • Relax the shoulders.

  • Use your senses to be present. (Be intentional about my intake, rather than overwhelmed). 

And it worked.

I soon realized the mall was closed. HA! I was one of very few people in the mall. All the stores were still locked up, most of the lights still off. It was just me and the "old folks" (in various stages of health and ability) cruisin' the halls.

But, more importantly, what I realized was that everyone else seemed so cheerful. Most were walking with a buddy - some conversing, some not. Nearly everyone gave me a smile or nod. Several even extended a greeting.

This was not the mall I was used to. And I liked it. I wanted to stay and walk. Join these lovely people in their journey. Learn from them. (They obviously knew so much more than I did. And not just about malls.) And continue to grow.

I did finish my journey to Target (and then back around the outside since the mall entrance was closed.) but then moved on with my day. But I do plan to visit again soon.

And, long term, I'd love to be one of the 70+ ladies at Jazzercise. Fit as can be. Still jumping and dancing. But if my future holds mall walking instead. I'll be ok with that too.

Thanks for being here.


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