Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pesticide in Produce

People always ask me which produce items I buy organic. The truth is, I shop the organic section first and buy anything we eat a lot of like apples and carrots, regardless of the price. Then I will get any items I need that are considered highly toxic (see list below). Lastly, I will add in a few additional items that I know we will eat and are good deals. Anything I need that isn't available organically, I will purchase in the regular produce department. 
The following list is based on information and studies by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Consumer Reports, and the Environmental Working Group. (Copied from
  1. Nectarines – 97.3% of nectarines sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  2. Celery – 94.5% of celery sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  3. Pears – 94.4% of pears sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  4. Peaches – 93.7% of peaches sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  5. Apples – 91% of apples sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  6. Cherries – 91% of cherries sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  7. Strawberries – 90% of strawberries sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  8. Imported Grapes – 86% of imported grapes (i.e. Chile) sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  9. Spinach – 83.4% of spinach sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  10. Potatoes – 79.3% of potatoes sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  11. Bell Peppers – 68% of bell peppers sampled were found to contain pesticides.
  12. Red Raspberries – 59% of red raspberries sampled were found to contain pesticides.
Here is a list of fruits and vegetables found to contain the least amount of pesticides. Notice that many of these have thick, inedible skins which protect the fruit.
  • Asparagus
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn (However, almost all corn is genetically modified)
  • Kiwi
  • Mangoes
  • Onions
  • Papaya
  • Pineapples
  • Sweet Peas

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cosmetics Cheat Sheet

Unfortunately it still isn't very easy to search the Skin Deep Database via your phone. When I first started searching for safer products, I took this Cheat Sheet with me to the store (made by the amazing folks at Gorgeously Green). They have an interesting but very practical system - they also have sorted products by degree of hazardousness but instead of giving everything a number, everything is sorted into three groups (Red, Orange or Green). The most toxic ingredients are listed with a reason and list of aliases.

  • Green means GO - These ingredients are some of the safest you will find. 
  • Orange means CAUTION - Meaning these ingredients are pretty bad but it should be ok for you to finish the bottle. Just promise not to buy it again!
  • Red means STOP - As in stop using products with these ingredients immediately!

Fatal Attraction: Cosmetics and Chemicals

This is the most concise and informative flyer I have found so far. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Product Ratings

Ever wonder what is in your favorite face cream, sunscreen, or shampoo? Well, have no fear... The Environmental Working Group is here!

At EWG you can always find great articles on just about anything related to environmental awareness and personal care. But the best part about the EWG website is their Skin Deep Database where each product and individual ingredient receives its own hazard rating regarding: overall hazard, allergies, immunotoxicity,  developmental and reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, bioaccumulation, skin/eye/lung irritation, cancer, biochemical or cellular changes, use restrictions, organ toxicity, ecotoxicology, contamination concerns, skin absorption, animal testing, other names, and so much more.


It is amazing to me how a little bit of lifestyle change, exercise, and healthy eating can improve my mood! I've had great luck following the advice found in The Depression Cure (available on Amazon)...30 minutes of light-moderate exercise per day, fish oil supplements, overall healthy eating, fresh air, 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep, etc. It is so simple and easy but make a world of difference! 

***While I am able to maintain a healthy mental state without the help of medication, I know that this is not the case for all women! Please do what is right for you and your body and always consult your physician before making any changes.***


A phenomenal, empowering book! A must read for everyone! Cancer cells are always forming - give your body the tools to fight it. Learn how by checking out Anticancer, A New Way of Life on Amazon today.

The new edition of Anticancer includes: 
• The latest research on anticancer foods, including new alternatives to sugar and cautions about some that are now on the market 
• New information about how vitamin D strengthens the immune system 
• Warnings about common food contaminants that have recently been proven to contribute to cancer progression 
• A new chapter on mind-body approaches to stress reduction, with recent studies that show how our reactions to stress can interfere with natural defenses and how friendships can support healing in ways never before understood 
• A groundbreaking study showing that lifestyle modification, as originally proposed in Anticancer, reduces mortality for breast cancer by an astounding 68 percent after completion of treatment 
• New supporting evidence for the entire Anticancer program