Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Sanity for Moms

Summer Sanity for Moms

I don’t know about you, but my world has gone topsy-turvy in the last couple weeks. I think summertime can do that for many moms. Schedules have changed and the days are longer – meaning kids get up earlier and insist on staying up later because “it isn’t even dark yet.” Add to that, yard work, overdue spring-cleaning, vacations, day camps, sports, weddings, et cetera, et cetera. And you have a recipe for pure chaos, overwhelmed kiddos, and one exhausted mommy. Lucky for you, I have a few tips for preventing the summer blues and making the most of the season! (And if you’re already wishing for fall, these tips can help restore your sanity too!)

My prescription for you is simple.

Yes, your mission this summer is to be “simple”…simplify your life. Go back to basics. Forget about the fad diets, fitness classes, kids camps, here-there-and-everywhere living and just do things out of pure simplicity and fun! Try this…

1)   Eat raw! Forget about cooking and eat the food straight out of your garden or local farmer’s market. I promise if you do this, you can eat AS MUCH as you can possibly fit into your mouth in 24 hours and you will not have to worry about diet plans, ingredients, or calories!
2)   Play with your kids. Rather then sending them out to play, take your own advice and join them! Ride bikes, jump rope, color with chalk, dig in the sandbox, play hide-and-go-seek in the woods. I promise, at the end of the day, they’ll be begging to go to sleep, it won’t have cost you a dime, and you will likely be happier than you’ve been in ages! (This is fitness, spirituality, connection, joy, and Vitamin D all rolled into one beautiful gift to yourself and your kids!)
3)   Forget the expensive beach vacations with big tabs, shopping and packing hassles, and body shaming. Instead, try camping. Unplug, nap in the hammock, roast marshmallows, read a book, dig in the dirt, lay in the grass. No need to bring a mirror, clean clothes, or your phone. How much simpler does it get?
4)   And about those chores. Are they really necessary? If so quit procrastinating and get them done. If not, let it go-o-o-o-o. Or make them fun (we have a weeding competition at my house a few times a summer – whoever fills up the most bags, wins a prize and we all celebrate with a fun outing).

Whatever your summer has in store for you this year, find a way to make the most of it in ways that really matter. Let your neighbor’s keep up with the Joneses this summer while you try the road less traveled. See who has the better summer. You can always run the rat race next summer.