Wednesday, April 26, 2017

When the Moon Holds your Feet to the Fire

When the Moon Holds Your Feet to the Fire

This past week I've been bombarded with family, friends, clients, and more struggling with intense emotional baggage, seemingly out of no where.

Women who were rocking their careers, owning their life path, and moving forward in so many ways were suddenly paralyzed. Here's what I know...

Waning Moon
The waning moon is a time of wrapping up projects and goals. 

It is a time to face what is preventing you from actually achieving your goals. 

It is a time to finally release limiting beliefs and behaviors. 
And it is a time to prepare to try again in the next new moon cycle.

So if you were really rocketing forward during the last moon cycle, growing by leaps and bounds, it is understandable that the waning moon might be a little overwhelming. The moon is holding your feet to the fire and asking:

"Are you really ready?"

"Are you sure?"

And testing your commitment. 

So, what'll it be? Are you ready? Or do you need a do-over this coming month?

It may be a little late at this point, but if you are still struggling, try doing some sort of releasing ritual, chord cutting, energy clearing, etc to move that old stuff out so that you can focus on something new this month! 

Need help? I can clear your energy field for you! Just ask!

Full Moon

Today, is start of the new moon cycle - a time of intentions and goal setting. 

Lots of pressure here, but whatever you focus on in the next 2-4 days will set the tone for the rest of this cycle so choose wisely!

Set your vision now so that you can work to bring it to life over the next few weeks! 

And, don't forget, when things get tough in 3 weeks - don't back down! Own it! With love, of course!

Thank you for being here!

With love,


To learn more about me and my services, please visit my website.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Pendulum Fun

Pendulum Fun

Last week I woke up with an insane urge to learn to use a pendulum. This may not seem all that exciting to you, especially if you know a new friend of mine uses one in her business, but for me this is a huge new leap in self-acceptance.

For a while now, I've been struggling to embrace the "woo woo" side of me in "normal" circles. Heck, my own parents don't really even know what I do. (And I'm not really sure my husband does either. HA!) And that's ok. But honestly, the idea that this really is OK is incredibly new for me and sometimes I still falter. I've tried so hard my whole life to be "normal" and fit in.

But it isn't working and I'm done trying. Normal doesn't really exist anyway! What a waste of time and energy!

The truth is, I've been thinking "I'm woo woo as F. If people knew how weird I was, I'd lose it all." But am I really? I'm not that far off from "normal," am I? I just have some crazy cool abilities and that is way more amazing than any imaginary average version of normal I could ever be. And it's time to really embrace that.

So here's the deal -

  • I see, hear, feel, and know things that most other people don't. Meaning I can (with your permission) read your subconscious and tell you how to get unstuck in life, where to spend your time and energy, what to let go, what's holding you back. 
  • I have the ability to read and move energy to help other people heal! Think - grief, fears, limiting beliefs, trust issues, speaking your name it. It makes it so much easier than talking through our troubles sometimes. 
  • Sometimes I even see and communicate with spirits. We are all surrounded by spirits, angels, guides that love us and look out for us. Sometimes they know things we don't, sometimes we just need to hear what we already know but from them. I can be that bridge for you. 

Yes, it's weird.

It's also totally awesome and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

And the more I come out of the woo woo closet, I'm realizing I'm not losing anything by owning who I am.

In fact, I've gained so much more! I've made so many new friends. Deepened countless relationships. Better served all my clients. Found better health mentally and physically for myself by letting go of resistance. Connected with my kids - they love this work and are similarly gifted - as I share who I am and help them navigate their own gifts. (My daughter is a pendulum rock star BTW!) And helped others accept their own gifts.

AND, I've had SO many requests from people wanting to learn what I do and how they can learn too, that I'm going to put together a class. If you are interested, comment here or send me a message: 

As for the Pendulum
I'm not sure it's my calling, but it is fun to play with. And it was super fun to experience with my daughter as I watched her eyes light up with wonder.

Kids are the best!

Goal for the day - see everything through the eyes of a child.

Thank you for being here!

With love,

To learn more about me and my services, please visit my website.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Owning our Gifts

Owning Our Gifts

Sometimes I forget to stop and look where I'm going. 

Does that ever happen to you? 

I'm not talking about when I'm walking or driving, but the bigger picture of my life. Sometimes I get so caught up in the flow of the day (or week, or year) and my habits that I forget to stop and think about whether I'm still headed in a direction that resonates with me. 

Well, a few months ago I looked up for the first time in a while and realized I was on the wrong path.

I was living a life of pain and shame and blame and all kinds of other icky stuff that wasn't the real me and wasn't who I wanted to be.

It was time to change tracks.

It was time for me to really own my gift of listening. Yes, I already had on some level but there is a new level that I'm ready to reach for - sharing it without fear of rejection. Until recently I've been pretty quiet about my ability to see, hear and feel your soul's vibration. My ability to listen as your inner lantern tries to guide you. Help you hear it above the din of modern living. Support you as your follow your inner compass and find your own way home.

I'n the last few months, I have been sharing more about my abilities and helping a whole new crowd of people - people I previously assumed would reject what I have to offer (and me in the process) - to achieve a more enlightened way of living. And, even better, it is encouraging others to share and own their "woo woo" a little bit more too. By sharing my story a little bit more freely, I've found so many other healers, readers, and seekers who are also hiding from the possibility of public scrutiny.

But I am here today to say it is time. People are ready. People need us to light the way.

The universe is ready for all of us to own our gifts - whether they are "woo woo" or not.

You gift may be contagious enthusiasm or holding space for someone grieving. Spreading laughter. Teaching nontraditional learners. Giving heart-felt hugs. Building, painting, or gardening. The list is endless.

Where do you shine without effort?

What gifts, skills and talents were you born with that doesn't come quite so easily to those around you?

What more can you do to share that gift with others? You are here to share it and people are in your midst waiting to receive it. Go out and help they heal in a way only you can.

Thank you for being here.

Sincere love,


To learn more, please visit my website.